Faith and Money

The chapter on “Worry” in Orchot Tzaddikim speaks about how worry takes away one’s happiness. The basic idea of that chapter is that worry about material things in this world is counterproductive and even destructive. Good worry is when we are concerned about spiritual worry.

One of the greatest concerns people have, is about their livelihood. They would like to make ends meet and be able to feed their families. Some get too obsessed about this, and are never happy with what they have, and always want more.

The description of the Manna has a very important message. The Jewish people in the desert needed to have the faith that there would continue to be this “food from Heaven” every single day. This is why a larger quantity than one day’s worth did not fall.

The Midrash tells us that those who had strong faith, had the Manna appear right outside their tent. Those who doubted, needed to travel further to find their sustenance.

The Talmud tells us that we are to learn from the animals who do not seem worried about where their next meal will be. Somehow, G-d always provides.

One of our greatest tests of faith, is how we handle money in an honest way, and the faith in our Creator. It is so important to create this faith. If we don’t, we will be depriving ourselves of real happiness and joy.


Greatest Day Ever


Permission to Heal