Life’s Tests Strengthen Us

The subject of “tests” was very much a part of the life of Avraham Avinu. The Rabbis tell us that Avraham was faced with ten major tests in his lifetime. The greatest of all of these tests, was the “Binding of Isaac.”

The Torah later expresses explicitly that Hashem tests the Jewish people to determine how deep our commitment is to Hashem. Even the books of Mussar bring up this subject of tests. The Orchot Tzaddikim mentions that money is given to a person as a blessing, a curse, or a test. We are challenged with handling this gift in the best way possible.

It is also stated that no person is given a test that he is unable to pass.

The general attitude is that being faced with life’s tests and challenges, is certainly not easy. It is important to be aware that such tests do exist. Some say that G-d only tests those that He loves. For He knows that as difficult as that challenge might be, that person will come away strengthened.

This has been the history of the Jewish people. Despite the horrible exile that we went through, somehow we succeeded and survived. Our survival is one of the greatest miracles of human history.

It is perfectly in order to pray that we not have to go through difficulties and be tested, but we must accept that if they come, they are ultimately for our benefit.

Avraham’s benefit was that he became the father of the Jewish people. He passed all of his tests with flying colors.


Shall I Cover Up


The Sacrifice of Avraham