Like the Sun Shining

The “Song of Deborah the Prophetess,” ends with the words, ואהבנו כצאת השמש בגבורתו, “Those who love Hashem, are like the sun shining at full strength.”

The Talmud in Masechet Gittin, comments on this verse in a somewhat surprising manner. It describes individuals who are נעלבים ולא עולבים, they are insulted but do not insult others. They hear of others that try to shame them, and they do not respond. Such individuals who behave in this manner, fulfill the verse from the Book of Judges. “Those who love Hashem, are like the sun shining at full strength.”

This Pasuk is mentioned fairly often in the Mussar books that try to teach their readers, how to perfect their character. There are times when we receive great reward and are acting in a way that is pleasing to G-d, when we exhibit self control. It is certainly not pleasant to be insulted or shamed.

When we remember that the גיבור, the truly strong individual, is the one who conquers his inclinations, we recognize the merits of not lowering ourselves to even answer. Obviously, if we are defending Hashem’s honor, it would be wrong to be silent.

However, if we can get to the point where we are able to brush aside the foolishness of the bad behavior of others, it is a sign that we have reached a level where we understand right from wrong, and good from evil.

Knowing that we could respond, or that we would have responded at a different stage of our lives, but this time we didn’t, shows great spiritual growth.

The Talmud tells us that an individual brings honor to G-d. He avoids creating strife, and might even show the other side, how much they need to improve, and need to learn how to treat others properly.


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