Thorns In Your Eyes

Rabbi Meir Kahane was a controversial figure, who loved the Jewish people. I had the privilege of knowing him personally. He spent Shabbat with me two years in a row, when I was a pulpit rabbi in Los Angeles.

He was criticized greatly, and even accused of being a racist, in his attitude towards our Arab neighbors. He wrote a book titled, “They must go,” that suggested just what the title said.

The original title of the book, was simply, “Numbers 33:55.” Everything Rav Kahane preached, was based on Torah teachings. Unfortunately, he did not pass on these teachings, in a very diplomatic manner. He did say, but perhaps not often enough, that he would welcome anyone to convert and become part of the Jewish people. They only needed to show their sincere intentions, and they would be accepted.

Contrast this to real racists, like the KKK. Would they accept a Black Jew that wanted to join their organization.

The verse of Numbers 33:55, warns that if we do not drive out the inhabitants of the land, they will be as “ thorns in your eyes, and a pain in your sides.” This warning did not apply to any non-Jew who accepted the Seven Noachide Laws, and accepted Israel’s sovereignty.

Rav Kahane was annoyed when he would hear an argument between a Jew and a Palestinian. Inevitably, the Jew would offer some territory for the sake of peace. The Palestinian would be more adamant, and say that all of the land belonged to him.

An onlooker would watch the argument and might easily conclude that if one side says that all is mine, and the other offers to share some land, the first argument would seem stronger.

We must not be afraid to declare that all of the Land of Israel belongs to Hashem. He made it abundantly clear that he gave this land exclusively to the Jewish people. No apologies, and no thorns in our eyes, and pains in our sides.


Rebuke Before Death


Clean With Hashem