Look Down

The “Duties of the Heart” gives advice as to how one can get closer to G-d, and ultimately find happiness.

He should begin by attributing all of his successes to Hashem. Everything that he possesses is from Above. He should be sincere in his worship and not have expectations of the reward he feels that he deserves.

An extremely important factor towards achieving this connection, and ultimate peace of mind, comes from always remembering to, “look down and don’t look up.”

Rabbeinu Bachye was referring to the benefit of looking down in the sense of recognizing those that are less fortunate than us.

If we focus on how blessed we are, and how we are in a much better position than most, we will feel happy and blessed. If we “look up” at those that seem to have more than us, we will be frustrated and miserable.

There will always be people that are smarter, more learned, or wealthier, than we are. It does us no good to look at what we think are the more fortunate. The only time this is beneficial, is when this successful person becomes a role model for us. He may lead, by example, in the ways of serving Hashem on the highest level.

The other situation where it is good to “look up,”is when we look to Hashem for direction. Praying with sincerity, and relying on Him, is the other beneficial way of “looking up.”

Otherwise, “looking down” at the less fortunate and those that are living with no direction, is beneficial to us. We might be motivated to help the less fortunate, and will find peace of mind, in the realization of how blessed we really are.


Sanctification of the New Moon


Walk With Hashem