Educating Our Children

Shavua Tov-

When Hashem is confronted with the evil of סדום and עמורה, He realizes that it would be wrong not to explain Himself to Avraham Avinu. So before those cities are destroyed He has a conversation with Avraham.

The main motivation for this conversation come from the words, כי ידעתיו למען אשר יצוה את בניו, “Because I know what he will command his children.” Hashem recognizes how Avraham will educate his children and grandchildren. He will teach them right from wrong and how to be a people of Chesed, always being prepared to help one another. Eliminating those five cities may not be so easy to comprehend. That is why Hashem shows Avraham why he’s left with no choice.

Rabbi Twerski takes this episode to emphasize that the primary effectiveness of parenting is setting the proper example for one’s children. Lecturing is not nearly as effective as being role models. Children of all ages, notice everything about their parents. Setting the right example, means everything.

Rabbi Twerski believed that it is much more difficult to parent in today’s generation, more than in previous generations. There are many more obstacles to overcome, such as immorality and defiance of authority. He believed that parents need a great deal of guidance as to how to parent, to overcome these obstacles.

We are the children of Avraham. Like him, we must make it a priority to teach all that is holy and just in this world.


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