גילוי שכינה

An important idea mentioned in the Haggadah is the concept of גילוי שכינה, the revealing of the Divine Presence.

This is the essence of what makes telling the Pesach story so significant. Egypt was the place where the Jewish people began as a nation. Because of this, our beginnings as a nation had to come in a way that would leave no doubts in the minds of every Jew who was present.

The Ten Plagues and the splitting of the Red Sea were incredible miracles where Hashem revealed His awesome power. No religion began in such a way that left no doubt to the imagination. And this is why Judaism is the one and only true religion.

We are also taught that ever since the exodus from Egypt, 2448 years after creation, it was G-d’s will that He not be seen in such an outward manner. He would always be available to whoever reached out to Him, but He would be hidden. He would act בדרך הטבע, in a more natural manner.

Only during critical times where Jewish survival was at stake, would He reveal Himself in an outward manner like Egypt. One such example was the showdown on Mount Carmel, between the prophets of Baal and Eliyahu Hanavi. There was a need at that time for an outward miracle to save the Jewish people.

Perhaps the Six Day War was another example of גילוי שכינה, as Israel accomplished in six days, that which Joshua took seven years! I would say that we are living in a period of גילוי שכינה, as we have seen the rebuilding of the State of Israel in such a short time.

Even in Egypt there were many Jews who lived through the miracles but were too blind to appreciate the greatness of the Hand of G-d. They did not merit being able to be redeemed. It certainly seems that we have the same problem today, that many are too blind to appreciate the amazing times in which we live. May Hashem open the eyes of all of the Jewish people that they be able to see our present day גילוי השכינה. If they do, it will certainly hasten the Final Redemption, speedily in our days.


Four Sons


Children at the Seder