Struggle for Torah
It is important to mention the classic teaching of the lesson learned from the positioning of words in the Torah.
The subject under discussion are the laws related to ritual purity for having come in contact with the dead. The emphasis is on the hidden message.
The Pasuk reads, זאת התורה אדם כי ימות, translated as, “This is the teaching connected to a person passing away.” Even though the continuation of the verse gives specific details related to such impurity, Chazal decided to end with those words, because of the importance of the message.
The homiletic license used by the Rabbis would explain the Pasuk as follows: This is the essence in acquiring Torah study. One must make great sacrifices (ימות) for it. Because it is so precious, one must go to great pains to merit the treasures found in Torah study.
It is not something that is meant to come easy. One must make it his absolute priority, and work hard with great diligence, to acquire its teachings.
But there really is a treasure that awaits the individual who delves into it. The rewards are immeasurable, but probably the greatest thing is how it gives a person perspective and peace of mind. He knows what is important and what is not. And he has a defined purpose in this world. It is definitely the most worthwhile pursuit one can have.