Power of שמע

After the emotional reunion between Yakov and Yosef, it became clear that the Yakov’s family of seventy, would be moving to Egypt. Miraculously, during their 210 year stay, the family would emerge as a nation of 600,000. Nevertheless, Yakov had great concerns about leaving Israel.

It was clear that Egypt was the most decadent place on earth, and the negative influences there were great. Yakov preferred to finish the last years of his life in the Land of his fathers, the holy land of Israel.

For this reason, Hashem needed to give assurances to Yakov. He tells him, אל תירא מרדה מצרימה, “Do not be afraid of going down to Egypt.” He further tells him that, ויוסף ישית ידך על עיניך, “And Yosef will place his hands on your eyes.”

This is a strange verse of reassurance. The commentators explain that this refers to the power of קריאת שמע. Yakov is told that his children will meet the challenge of being in Egypt, because they will never stop reciting the שמע. The Shema is an affirmation our unshakable faith in Hashem, and an affirmation that His Oneness rules the world.

As long as Jews continue to recite the שמע, they will never forget who they are, and they will never abandon Hashem’s holy Torah.


No Self Deception


Basic Midot