Body and Soul

The book, דרך ה׳, the Way of G-d, by the Ramchal is a classic work on Jewish philosophy. It is meant to strengthen the Emuna, faith of the reader, and ultimately, bring him closer to Hashem.

The Ramchal makes many important observations, but one of them particularly made an impression. He explained that the universe consists of both spiritual, unseen beings, such as angels, and purely physical creations. This consists of the animal kingdom.

But there is only one being in all of creation that has elements of the physical, as well as elements of the spiritual. This, of course, is man.

He has a physical body with all of its material needs, but it also has a soul breathed into it, that has an eternal aspect to it. This Neshama allows man to rise to the level of an angel.

This is the struggle that one has to deal with. Many fail to be aware that they possess this spiritual potential, and choose to live a life of self gratification.

The wise Jew realizes that just as the body needs its nourishment, so does the soul. When one gives more attention to the soul, he is granted an overwhelming sense of peace of mind and contentment. He learns that physical pleasures are fleeting, but spiritual rewards last forever.

The brilliance of the Ramchal is how he lays out very deep concepts in a clear, understandable manner. These concepts are meant to get the reader thinking about life, and where his priorities should be.


Crying for Nothing


Don’t Be Overzealous