
There are numerous times in ספר דברים, where Moshe Rabbeinu uses the word, היום. The first Pasuk of ראה, ends with the word, היום, “today.”

The חתם סופר and many other commentators tell us that we are to view the Mitzvot as if they were given today.

We are not supposed to allow our observance of the Torah to grow stale, we do everything mechanically by rote. It is supposed to be within us to find new excitement and enthusiasm each day.

Rabbi Twerski recognized this as a serious problem in the religious world. If young people, in particular, find the observance of Judaism to be dull and boring, they will go elsewhere to find meaning. This is why so many travel to far off places and seek Eastern religions to satisfy this need for excitement and purpose. Schools and Yeshivot do need to address this problem.

One useful suggestion might be to truly adopt the “one day at a time” philosophy. If we wake up each morning, and focus on appreciating being alive, and being determined to make the coming day, productive, this can help a great deal.

We do not take for granted the gift of life and good health, and we are particularly grateful to be Jews living according to Hashem’s Torah. If we take on this way of thinking, we will be able to feel as if the Torah was given “today.” We are then able to observe it with freshness, excitement, and enthusiasm.




Good Judgement