Left to Right
Shavua Tov. It is interesting that over the years שבת שירה always seems to have an election hovering around it. When Ariel Sharon ran for prime minister, some said that the word, שירה, meant שרון יהיה ראש הממשלה, a hint that Sharon will be prime minister.
In אז ישיר, there is a Pasuk that says, ימינך ה׳ נאדרי בכח, ימינך ה׳ תרעץ אויב, where twice we refer metaphorically to Hashem’s right hand. Rashi makes what sounds like a political statement. כשעושים רצונו של מקום השמאל נעשה ימין, that when we fulfill the will of G-d, the Left becomes the Right.
Obviously, this is not a political statement. Rabbi Elie Munk explains this further by saying that Hashem’s Left, refers to דין, harsh judgement. His Right refers to רחמים, G-d’s mercy.
The message is that when we fulfill G-d’s will, He will return in kind, from harsh judgement to mercy.