Prophecy and Joy

There is a great deal learned about prophecy, when the Torah tells us, ותחי רוח יעקב, that the spirit of Yakov lived.

Many commentators explain that the spirit of prophecy left Yakov during the years that he was in a state of grief over Yosef. He was unable to receive Divine messages during that time.

The Rambam explains that one of the principles of faith, is that Hashem communicates with man, by way of prophecy. We are also expected to believe that Moshe Rabbeinu was the greatest of all of the prophets.

The Rambam says further that prophets were unable to receive prophecy, any time they wanted. They needed to be in a state of joy. This is why some prophets would play musical instruments, to raise their spirits, so that a message from G-d would come.

Yitzchak thought that after eating a hearty meal, prepared by his son, he would be better prepared to receive Divine inspiration. This proves that one cannot communicate with G-d in an unhappy state.

Moshe Rabbeinu was unique, because he was able to speak with G-d at will, in a conscious state.

The intense joy that Yakov felt when he learned that his beloved son, Yosef, was still alive, elevated him to the level where the spirit of Hashem was renewed within him.

It is difficult for anyone to be creative and productive, when he is feeling down or sad. This is why we need to work on ourselves to try and maintain, a positive, upbeat perspective on life. There are many benefits from such a positive attitude. The greatest benefit, is the ability to feel closeness to Hashem at all times.


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