The Influence of the Tzaddik

The last year in the desert was tragic, in the sense that Miriam, Aharon, and Moshe, all passed away that year.

The קול התורה of Rabbi Elie Munk, claims that Miriam was the first woman to die in the desert all forty years! The women did not participate in the sin of the Golden Calf, and did not accept the evil report of the spies. Therefore, until Miriam, none of the women died.

Aharon was mourned by both the men and the women, because he was an אוהב שלום ורודף שלום, one who loved and pursued peace.

Just as when Miriam died, the באר מרים, the well of Miriam was dried up, the Clouds of Glory left Israel after Aharon’s death. The מן was in the merit of Moshe Rabbeinu.

We see from all of this, the profound influence a Tzaddik has on his community and the entire generation.

And when a Tzaddik leaves this world, his death can prove to be an atonement for the generation. Perhaps this is the reason the Rambam counts having reverence for Torah scholars, as one of the 613 Mitzvot.


Hashem Will Reign


Mitzvot Making Sense