Rashi’s Dilemma
Rashi uses strange language in describing how the special apron, known as אפוד, was to be made for the Kohein Gadol.
He writes, לבי אומר לי, “my heart tells me,” that it was to be made with a criss cross on his back, as with the type of apron worn by women of nobility as they rode on their horses.
This very strange wording is based on an incident that happened to Rashi personally.
He was once traveling on the road and saw the wife of a minister riding past him. At first, Rashi was disturbed that he was forced to witness what he believed to be an immodest sight.
After, he realized that Hashem was answering his question as to how the כהן גדול’s Eiphod, was meant to be worn. When he saw the back of noblewoman ride by, he had his answer. This was why he used the language, לבי אומר לי.