Being Clean With Hashem and Israel
There is a deal worked out between Reuven, Gad, and half of Menashe, and Moshe Rabbeinu, regarding settling land on the east side of the Jordan. Moshe tells them that if they fulfill what they promise, והייתם נקים מה׳ ומישראל, “that you will be clean from Hashem and from Israel.”
The תורה תמימה, on this Pasuk, and specifically, the words, והייתם נקיים, “and you will be clean,” two stories from מסכת יומא.
The first involved the Garmu Family, who were charged with baking the לחם הפנים, the Showbread that was on the Holy שלחן, adjacent to the Holy of Holies. This family was careful never to be seen with fresh bread. They wanted to avoid any suspicion that they used anything from the לחם הפנים for personal use.
The second story involved the Avtinus Family, who knew how to put together all of the ingredients for the קטורת, the special incense used in the inner altar. The beautiful fragrance filled all of Jerusalem. They were careful that when they made a wedding, none of these ingredients were used to adorn their bride. They, too, were careful not to arouse suspicions that they acted improperly.
This shows how we, too, need to act in a manner at all times, that is “clean in the eyes of Hashem and of Israel.”