Very Bad Question

King Pharoah made a fatal mistake when he asked a very bad question. His response to Moshe and Aharon when told that the G-d of Israel has commanded that he let the people go, was a bad one. He asked, , “Who is this G-d? I do not know Him.”

During the “ten plagues,” the text explained the reason for each plague was to make it clear that all Egypt understand that there is a G-d in Israel, who is the One true G-d.

It appears that this foolish question of Pharoah is still being asked today. It is the major reason for the moral breakdown of society. When society ignores the existence of G-d and that He, alone, teaches what is right and moral in this world.

When the question is “Who is G-d? I do not know Him,” anything goes. It gives man, with all of his shortcomings to decide right and wrong.

Today’s definition of right and wrong is “whatever makes you happy or feel good.” The validation of this new philosophy, is that laws are passed that legitimize what was once considered immoral and improper, and remains contrary to the teachings of the Torah.

So many things that were obviously wrong and improper fifty years ago, are now the norm, and were even justified with the passing of laws.

We have seen laws passed that legalize drugs, abortions, euthanasia, and same sex marriages. “Living together” before marriage, was once considered inappropriate.

It should be rather obvious that this shows a serious moral breakdown of society.

It is time to wake up and realize that this very bad question of “Who is G-d,” will soon be answered. Hopefully, this awareness will not have to come with ten more plagues!


Crying Out to G-d


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