Korach’s Refusal to Compromise

The rebellion of Korach and his congregation, appears to have a striking resemblance to what we are witnessing today.

When Moshe Rabbeinu learned of the outrageous accusations against him, he fell on his face. He was accused of bringing the Jewish people to the desert, to die. There were charges against him of nepotism. And there was even a claim that he had relations with married women.

Despite the incredible audacity of Korach and his comrades, Moshe still reached out to Korach. Rav Shlomo Mann wrote that Moshe attempted to come to a compromise for the sake of peace. He told Korach that if he wasn’t satisfied with his position, he was willing to negotiate an even more prominent position. He was showing real flexibility and desire to come his way.

It didn’t take time for Moshe to realize that Korach didn’t want to reach a compromise. He wanted nothing less than to see Moshe fall and be removed as leader.

The parallel to the ridiculous demonstrations of the last several months against Judicial Reform, is identical to Korach. There is no interest in compromise, and the claims against a government that wasn’t given a chance to govern, are ridiculous.

It is clear that the fall of the government is the goal. Like Korach, the demonstrators convince themselves of how righteous they are in their cause. The Talmud tells us that truth always wins in the end. Creating disharmony among our people, and fighting with such bitterness and viscousness cannot be right. It just resembles Korach too much-and that rebellion didn’t end well.


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