Rav Kook’s Vision for Israel
Rav Kook gives great emphasis in explaining the world before the Torah was given on Mount Sinai and after. For example, before Sinai, every inhabitant performed circumcision. After Sinai, this was a commandment limited to the Jewish people.
Rav Kook believed that the law of the land before Sinai, was the observance of the “Seven Noachide Laws.” He found it interesting that despite the fact that three of the seven laws (idol worship, murder, and immorality) were laws that Jews were commanded to risk their lives rather than violate, this did not apply to non-Jews.
This was most significant in explaining the special role of the Jewish people. Only the Jews were commanded to sanctify the Name of Hashem, and not desecrate it. They were the ones who could achieve the highest level of sanctity, available to man.
Rav Kook put great emphasis on the national responsibility of every Jew. He had a special role in elevating the spiritual level of the world.
In many circles, the focus of Jewish teachings is primarily on the individual. It could be connected to the “Galut mentality” of survival, but there is a different reality today.
Rav Kook was very much a visionary. Although he passed away in 1935, he saw the rebirth of the nation of Israel. He felt that they needed to fulfill a different role, once a Jewish state was on the horizon.
Jews needed to change their mindset and start thinking about גאולה, redemption, instead of גלות, the exile. They needed to become soldiers of Hashem, who would be willing to be part of a physical and spiritual battle to become עם ישראל, the nation of Israel.
The times are much bigger than we are. Jewish destiny began on Mount Sinai. We have been blessed to be part of the final stages of redemption. We only need to open our eyes, and fulfill our role, to help make this Jewish dream come true.