Choosing the Right Path

Shavua Tov. The Ramchal says that the study of Talmud is an exercise in the pursuit of truth. As such, it is incumbent upon every G-d fearing Jew to ponder what is the correct path to follow.

I have been reading a book by Rabbi Dr. Natan Slifkin titled “Rational vs. Mysticism.” Rabbi Slifkin raises numerous questions that many would prefer would disappear. He tries to point out that we need to be intellectual honest enough to point out that taking one particular viewpoint has its flaws.

On the one hand, there are problematic Midrashim such as Rabbi Yochanan turning a disrespectful student into a pile of bones. Is this to be taken literally or is it an allegory?

Do we assume that Chazal, our great sages knew everything, including matters of science? If that’s the case, could they have known about prolonging a person’s life by putting them on life support?

But on the other hand, there are so many inexplicable supernatural events to this day, of people recovering from illnesses where doctors have given up hope?

It appears that our search for truth requires that we find a balance between these two schools of thought. In essence, the real answers come from Hashem. If we sincerely seek Him out, he will guide us on the proper path.


Ayin Hara


Song of Songs