
We are now in the season that we are supposed to be focused on Teshuva, repentance. We are meant to be grateful that G-d gives us this High Holiday period to do some serious soul searching. We are being granted the possibility of a fresh start and a new beginning. We must never feel that our situation is hopeless and desperate. The gates of repentance are available to everyone.

Chapter 30 in the Book of Devarim, is devoted exclusively to the subject of Teshuva. Moshe Rabbeinu discusses the time when blessings and curses will befall our people. He was speaking of the time when Jews will be banished from Israel and scattered all over the world. Even when we are far away physically and spiritually, we must decide to return to Hashem and His Torah.

Even if the remnants of the Jewish people span from one end of the earth to the other, we must return. Hashem will forgive us and gather us from even the most remote places, such as Ethiopia or far off Indian villages belonging to the Bnei Menashe.

There will be an ingathering of the exiles as Israel is settled by Jews from all over the world. This is one of the most obvious prophecies fulfilled in our lifetimes. This is referred to as קיבוץ גלויות, the return of the exiles.

Teshuva is a form of returning to G-d. We are also assured that this Mitzva of Teshuva is not so far away from us. We must sincerely wish to change our ways, and we will be helped from Above.

This chapter ends with the famous Pasuk that tells us how there are many choices placed before us. There is life and good, or death and evil. We are commanded to “choose life.”

This past year has been very difficult for the Jewish people. Through all of the grief and sadness, we must elevate ourselves and return to G-d. The miraculous physical return of our people, must be accompanied by a spiritual return. It is clear that our choice must be good over evil, and life over death. May the coming year be one that is filled with life and blessings.


Rejectionist Theory


The Ideal Convert