Death of Righteous Atones

Shavua Tov-

We read פרשת אחרי מות for those living in Israel. The Parsha began by telling the instructions of the Yom Kippur service after the death of the two sons of Aharon.

We are told that just as Yom Kippur is meant to atone for our sins, so, too, does the death of the righteous atone for our sins.

The תורה תמימה points out that this is learned from the aftermath of the death of King Shaul. The Navi tells us that the mourning that took place after the passing of Shaul brought Hashem a sense of well being. He was pleased with the way that the people conducted themselves.

This whole episode teaches us that it isn’t the death of the Tzaddik alone that causes atonement, but it is behavior of the people, after this passing that created this atonement.

The people were very moved by the loss of the Jewish king. This led to fasting, mourning, and a sincere Teshuva by the people.

Therefore, it wasn’t the death alone of the righteous that brings about atonement. It is the effect on the people and how they respond, that makes all the difference.


Holiness of Yom Kippur


Seventh Day of Pesach