Sanctifying G-d’s Name

A theme of the Book of Shemot is the idea of Kiddush Hashem, the sanctification of the Name of G-d. Pharoah lived to regret his foolish question, “Who is this G-d that I should listen to Him? I do not know Him.”

Repeatedly, the Torah emphasizes that “now he will know that there is a G-d in Israel.” Even Yul Brynner, in his portrayal of Moshe Rabbeinu, in the classic movie, “The Ten Commandments,” ends the movie with the words, “The G-d of Moses, is G-d.”

What is important for us to know is that it is our duty to act in a way that sanctifies the Name of Hashem. We have been witnessing terrible Chilul Hashem, desecration of Hashem’s name for a very long time. The Western world that should know better, has chosen to ignore the teachings of the Torah, and ignore the G-d of Israel. This is Chilul Hashem.

When Hamas acted as they did, and believed they could succeed in harming Israel, this is Chilul Hashem. It’s a Pharoah like declaration that they do not know the G-d of Israel.

The war against Hamas and against all of our enemies, is a Kiddush Hashem. We are teaching the world how we defend G-d’s honor, and He is helping us teach the world this lesson.

When David fought Goliath, he could not tolerate the daily mocking of G-d by the giant. He repeatedly said that if nobody would fight him, it was a proof that there is no god in Israel.

David defeated Goliath with words of Kiddush Hashem. “You come at me with sword, spear, and shield. I come in the Name of the L-rd of Hosts. This day He will deliver you into my hands, so that all the world will know that there is a G-d in Israel.” This is Kiddush Hashem at the highest level.

We are witnessing a great sanctification of the Name of G-d. When this war is over, the world will not be the same. Israel has already made a major change of going higher and higher in spirituality. An end to Chilul Hashem is near, and the glory of G-d will be revealed.


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