Seven Laws For All of Mankind

The greatest gift given by G-d to mankind is the Bible. Despite rampant rejection of this Divine book, it continues to be studied all over the world.

The “Seven Noachide Laws,” were given to all human beings, and were considered as binding to all of mankind. The Jewish people were chosen to live by a higher standard than the rest of the world. They had a special destiny of teaching morality and goodness to the world.

These seven laws were not meant to be taken lightly. The “Ger Toshav,” or resident stranger, was permitted to live in Israel, and even own land, if he accepted and observed the Noachide Laws.

The Rambam, in Hilchot Melachim, goes into great detail in explaining these laws. When the Jewish people ruled the Land of Israel, and there was a Sanhedrin, they enforced these laws on the Ger Toshav. They would even execute the violators of these laws.

It was never considered an option whether or not one would observe these laws. It was understood that this was how one must conduct himself in this world.

If we would only return and study these laws, we would clearly know what is right and wrong. For example, abortion is included as a form of murder. The Torah warns against spilling the blood of a human, “inside another human.” This seems to be referring to a fetus inside the womb of its mother.

The Rambam enumerates those who are included under the heading of immorality. They include the prohibition of having relations with one’s mother, father’s wife, a married woman, maternal sister, a male, and an animal. These are the guidelines given to all of mankind by Hashem, Himself.

We believe that the time will come when the entire world will return to G-d and the Bible. That time is so desperately needed that it come speedily in our time.


Two “Teivas”


Noachide Laws