Shema Yisrael
Yakov Avinu blessed his sons on his death bed, before he departed from this world. He had the same concerns of every Jewish father towards his children.
Rav Kook mentions that he told them to live pious lives so that future generations would struggle in the study of the Torah. He also hoped that they would not stray from the righteous path outlined by the forefathers, that would be delineated in the Torah.
This is probably the greatest fear of every Jewish father. They want their children to live according to the beliefs of their ancestors, and carry on Jewish tradition.
All of Yakov’s fears were put to rest when his twelve sons recited the phrase that would be the symbol of every Jew’s Jewishness. They were the ones who said, שמע ישראל ה׳ אלוקינו ה׳ אחד. Hear O’ Israel, the G-d of Israel is One, and His Name is One. This was a reassurance that they would never lose their faith in the G-d of Israel.
This was the last phrase that many Jews recited as they were put to death on an evil oppressor. This was the phrase that identified us as Jews.
There was once a story of two very tough Jews who were driving on Pacific Coast Highway, proudly wearing their Kippas. A foolish fellow drove alongside of them and began making fun of their skullcaps. The two proud Jews made this fellow veer off the road. They jumped out of their cars and in an intimidating voice asked this guy why he was making fun of their religion. He begged for mercy by saying that he was Jewish. They told him that he needed to prove his Jewishness, and fast.He quickly recited, “Shema Yisrael.”
They let him go with a warning that he must never make fun of the Jewish people. I would assume that he never did!