Significance of the Olive Branch

The Talmud in Masechet Eiruven makes a blessing related to the dove carrying an olive branch into the Ark.

The dove is a symbol of freedom and independence. The blessing is, “May it be the will of G-d that your sustenance be as bitter as the olive tree, but coming directly from Hashem, and not sweet as honey in the hands of man.”

The Talmud is also emphasizing the importance of our being able to maintain our dignity, in the manner in which we earn our living. Even if it comes with a certain amount of bitterness and hardship, but this income allows us to have our independence, it is far superior to earning a livelihood at the hands of man.

The blessing is a wish that we do not find ourselves dependent on man. We might earn a comfortable living, but it might come with a great deal of grief. We might be thrust into a situation that we might feel enslaved by a horrible boss. It may be difficult to extricate ourselves from that situation, as there is a family that needs to be taken care of.

If we earn less and even struggle, it may be worth it for the peace of mind that comes with it. We must remember that we were taken out of Egypt to be free men and not to be dominated or controlled by another human being.

The famous image of the little dove carrying the olive branch, should be seen as a reminder of our purpose in this world. We are meant to be servants of Hashem, and not prisoners of man.


Let Us Make a Name


Two “Teivas”