Harsh Warning

The continuation of the section that tells us to settle the land, continues with a very harsh warning. “If you do not inherit the land and drive out its inhabitants, they will be thorns in your eyes, and pains in your side.”

The Torah is very clear that we must take a defiant stance when we take over Eretz Yisrael. This land belongs exclusively to the Jewish people as ordained by G-d. Anyone who does not accept Israel’s sovereignty, must be driven from the land.

The Gemara in מסכת מגילה, tells us that Levi, insisted that this Pasuk be read, before the reading of the Megilla. He wanted to show that King Shaul made this very mistake when he had pity on Agag, King of Amalek, and let him live.

Levi was showing that had Shaul done what he was supposed to, there would never have been a Haman, and the Jews would not have had to go through the suffering they did.

It would be wise that we learn this lesson today. Misplaced compassion can be a very dangerous thing.


Jewish Justice


Inherit the Land