The Benefits of Loving G-d

The Messilat Yesharim speaks of the benefits that come to an individual who develops a strong love for G-d.

This comes about when one has done serious spiritual work in developing such a connection. He comes to a complete recognition of G-d’s greatness, kindness, and perfection. With this recognition, it develops into a deep love for the Creator.

King David was an example of one who felt this love, as expressed in the Book of Psalms. It was clear that he felt that during those special moments when he felt this bond with G-d, there was no other experience in this world that compared. The bliss that he felt at that time, was incredible.

An awareness that this is one of the benefits of love of G-d, should make us strive towards it more and more. Wouldn’t we all want to have that great feeling of spiritual bliss?

The one who loves Hashem with all his heart, is not affected by anything that goes on in the world. There is an unwavering belief that everything that G-d does, is for the good. Despite the difficulties that a person may have to deal with, somehow he knows, that it is for his ultimate good.

In short, loving G-d is the best coping mechanism in the world. It explains how we survived as a people. Despite our long and painful exile, we never let go of this bond of love with Hashem. And we have been rewarded with a return to Israel and the revival of our people. This love will certainly be the vehicle that will allow us once again to celebrate, as we defeat our enemies.


Judaism and Discipline


The Cana’anite’s Slave’s Love for Israel