True Reason For Mitzvot
The Talmud in Masechet Sanhedrin discusses the question as to whether we are meant to understand the true reason behind the observance of specific Mitzvot. We are told that there are only two commandments where the Torah itself gave the intended reason.
The two laws are connected to the king. He is not allowed to have too many horses. The reason given is that this could lead him to return to Egypt. We are not ever allowed to return to Egypt.
The second rule is that a king should not have too many wives. The reason for this law is that they will turn his heart away from Hashem. The Keli Yakar said that the word כסא, which could mean a chair or a throne, is an abbreviation for כסף, סוס, אשה, money, horse, and woman.
The Rabbis elaborate on this teaching and explain that there could even be a danger, if we knew the true reason for the Mitzvot. We might rationalize as King Solomon did.
He would have numerous horses and wives and he would not be led back to Egypt, or allow these women to turn away his heart. Nevertheless, he stumbled in these areas.
We are to view all of the commandments as Divine commandments of the true King. We will follow them whether we agree or understand them. After we make this commitment, we can contemplate the reasons for the Mitzvot to appreciate their beauty. But we must not waver in fulfilling the word of G-d in truth.