Hashem’s Enemies
Shavua Tov.
It is always interesting how we are always able to find something in the Parsha that relates to current events.
Lately, we have been hearing about a great increase in anti-semitism in America and all over the world. I believe it is directly related to the fact that the majority of nations have turned away from G-d, and foolishly believe that they are better capable to make laws that will make society run smoothly.
When Moshe Rabbeinu sings praises to the Holy Ark as it traveled in the desert, and cleared a safe path, he said, “וינוסו משנאיך מפניך”, that all of Hashem’s enemies should scatter. Rashi asks who are the enemies of Hashem? He answers that anyone who hates a Jew, hates the Jewish G-d. It’s as if he is saying, “Jew, you are nothing, and your G-d is nothing.”
Such arrogance and blasphemy will come with great punishment in its proper time.
It does seem pretty obvious that a Master Plan is in motion. Great things are ahead, if we will only cleave to Hashem, and all Jews will come home to Eretz Yisrael.