Learning Gratitude from a Donkey

One final lesson to be learned in Midot from Parshat בלק, is the subject of הכרת הטוב, recognizing the good that one does for us. Surprisingly, this was taught by non other than Bilaam’s donkey. She lectures Bilaam after he struck her three times. After all, she was his faithful donkey for so many years. He should have given her the benefit of the doubt when she veered off to the side of the road. In Judaism, הכרת הטוב is emphasized very strongly. To be an ingrate, is a very ugly trait. This comes with an attitude that everything we have, is coming to us. It is a sign of arrogance and lack of faith. The ארחות צדיקים reminds us that we are to acknowledge that not only is it that everything we have comes from Hashem’s graces, but nothing we have is deserved. it is all a gift that comes from Hashem’s kindness and generosity. Even gifts that come from relatives are also from Him. One’s relatives act as G-D’s Shaliach in giving over such gifts. This is the Torah way and a healthy way to view the world. It also lends itself to looking at the world in a positive manner. It leaves a person with an overwhelming sense of joy in being able to recognize the good and see how fortunate he really is.




Worry and Anger