Basic Principles of Torah
This week we will read פרשת קדושים in Israel. Rashi says that this Parsha is special because the עיקרי התורה, the basic principles of the Torah are found in it.
Rabbi Twerski interprets this to mean that this applies to interpersonal relationships. It includes, respecting parents, helping the poor, no theft, not withholding wages, no improper advice, and not holding a grudge, just to name a few.
The common principle here is that religious Jews should not take these ethical laws lightly. This particularly applies to proper behavior in business matters. Torah observant Jews should not be capable of spousal abuse, but, unfortunately, they are. They must be careful about not speaking Lashon Hara, and should not harbor resentments towards others.
The overall conduct of an observant Jew is what is meant here. This is why Rashi says that these are the basic principles of the Torah. Observing laws between man and G-d meticulously, is certainly praiseworthy. But all of this can be undone when a religious Jew is dishonest in business and doesn’t treat others with respect and dignity, both at home and in the workplace.