Battle With Yeitzer Hara
After the flood, when Noach and his family left the ark, Hashem made an observation. He came to the realization that יצר לב האדם רע מנעוריו, that man’s inclination is evil from his youth. Therefore, He promised that He would never again destroy the world.
This realization represents the struggle that man has to overcome the יצר הרע. Rabbi Twerski pointed out that it is the יצר הרע that causes us to rationalize. It gives justification for a person to sin or not be able to reach his goal.
It is very difficult to overcome the יצר הרע. It is like walking a tightrope, where we are pulled in two different directions. We must maintain the middle ground.
We also know that it is Hashem that sends the יצר הרע to test us. We must develop the tools to be strong and not give in to temptation and rationalization. We can do this by regularly studying such classic works as מסילת ישרים, The Path of the Righteous, and ארחות צדיקים, The Ways of the Righteous. Conquering the יצר is a struggle, but we can be victorious.