Moshe Rabbeinu reminds the nation how Hashem took care of them in the desert like a loving father. The Torah tells us that we were supplied with the Manna on a daily basis. And we are also told that in the manner that a father rebukes his son, so has Hashem given us rebuke.
Rabbi Twerski takes these verses to apply important lessons in parenting.
It is essential that parents give their children the security in knowing that their basic needs of food and shelter, will be provided. This is necessary to develop trust between child and parent.
This is hinted where the Torah says that first you were afflicted with hunger, and then given food. If children don’t feel they can rely on their parents, they take matters into their own hands.
But the next stage of parenting is the absolute need to discipline their children. There has to be a clear message of right and wrong, and it must be demonstrated by actions, not words. Parents cannot be hypocritical and must be role models for their children.
Children need discipline and must accept parental authority. Children must always know that their parents cared for them out of love. It must be sincere authority demonstrated by parents. They must not be control freaks. Sincerity in parenting, and truly loving the child, goes a long way. Our Father in Heaven, showed us the way.