Purim Messages
We are now in Purim mode as this happy Chag is being celebrated all over the world. There are many messages connected with Purim. There is the idea of ונהפוך הוא, showing how things can change dramatically in an instant, when things look so hopeless.
We recognize that the Megilla does not have Hashem’s name in it. This is meant to teach us that He acts in natural, quiet ways. We only need to seek Him out, to realize how Hashem watches over us.
Probably the most important idea is how קימו וקיבלו, they accepted and fulfilled the Torah out of love. On הר סיני, when the mountain shook, and there was thunder and lightening, and the entire nation heard G-d speak, they accepted the Torah out of fear.
On Purim, the Jewish people embraced the Torah out of love. This was a greater leap of faith, as each individual needed to do serious soul searching, to come to the understanding of the truth of Judaism and the G-d of Israel.
We must never lose faith and we must remember that ישועת ה׳ כהרף עין, that the salvation from Hashem can come like the blink of an eye. פורים שמח