All Money is from Hashem

A well known Pasuk from פרשת עקב is the one that reminds an individual not to get carried away with his ego. He must not say, “My strength and the strength of my hand, has brought me my success.”

Rabbi Twerski comments on this in a very powerful way. He wrote that if one thinks he can achieve anything other than that which Hashem willed, is heresy. Another way of putting things: If anyone believes that even one penny that he acquires, is from his own efforts, and not directly from Hashem, is a heretic.

The אורחות צדיקים is more specific when he included gifts that may come from one’s parents or relatives. These also come directly from G-d.

This is such an important message. We are reminded over and over again, to be humble. But it is very difficult to remain humble when a great deal of money comes into our hands. One will naturally credit his success to his own brilliance. If he remembers this lesson at all times, he will constantly remind himself that it is not him, but it is one hundred per cent Hashem’s blessings and kindness. We must never forget this lesson.


Look Forward Not Backwards


Loving G-d