Be Like a Kohein or Levi
There is a well known Rambam from משנה תורה in the laws related to שמיטה and יובל, the special role of the Leviim. The Rambam praises their incredible devotion and untiring service on behalf of the Jewish people.
He continues by saying that this type of service is not limited to the Leviim. But any person who gives generously of himself, and separates himself from the mundane world, and devotes himself in knowing Hashem, and walking in His path, he is following the path of the Levi.
Such a person throws off the yoke of materialism, and G-d becomes his portion. He becomes elevated with the highest levels of sanctity.
He will merit all of the contentment and joy merited by the Kohanim and Leviim in their sacred work in the בית המקדש. This is an appropriate goal for all of us to attain, now that Shavuot is behind us and we have been raised up by its sanctity.