Being Happy

One of the themes of Parshat Ki Tavo, is the importance of being בשמחה, in a state of joy. We see this idea at the end of the section on Bikurim.

The Torah gives a command to rejoice for all of the good that G-d has bestowed upon us. Happiness comes together with being grateful. People who do not know how to appreciate all that is done for them by Hashem and others, tend to be miserable people.

If they adopt an attitude of entitlement, it prevents them from feeling humility. The benefit of humility, is that the humble person has no expectations. Therefore, when a kindness is done for him, he is able to show appreciation, and be in a state of joy. His whole personality is one where he feels overwhelmed by the kindnesses shown to him, and he is happy.

It is also important to note that a great obstacle to happiness, is selfishness. This explains how there could be people that have vast material possessions, but happiness alludes them. If one is not giving of himself, and doing acts of kindness on behalf of others, he will never be happy.

We need to be reminded of the joy we feel, not only when we bring a smile to the face of one less fortunate, but also to the faces of our loved ones, that we might take for granted.

The end of our Parsha implies that many Divine curses can come to us, simply because we did not serve the Creator with joy, when He gives us so much.

It may be that happiness does not come easy for some people. But it’s worth working on this positive character trait. Not only will it give a person a sense of contentment, but the benefits of such happiness will prove immeasurable.


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