Moshe’s Honesty

It appears that Moshe Rabbeinu took the claims against him very hard. He was so careful to give a complete accounting of every donation used in building the Mishkan.

It was only a very short time after this, that Korach made all kinds of accusations against him. He was portrayed as a power hungry leader who oppressed even members of his own family.

Moshe speaks to Hashem and says, לא חמור אחד מהם נשאתי, that he did not even take one donkey that was not rightfully his. He seems shocked that he could be placed in such a situation.

Centuries later, when the seventy-two Tzaddikim were asked to translate the Torah into Greek, in seventy-two homes, they were all troubled by this Pasuk.

Miraculously, they all substituted the word, “חמור” with the word, “חמד” meaning “possession.” These wise men were afraid that people might say that Moshe didn’t take any donkeys, but maybe he did take coins and jewelry.

They tried to set the record straight that Moshe Rabbeinu was a loyal and honest leader of the Jewish people. He tried to set an example for future Jewish leaders. If they would only follow Moshe’s example!


Jealousy and Arrogance


Making Hasty Decisions