Eyes to See and an Understanding Heart

At the end of the Parsha, there is another often overlooked Pasuk. After Moshe Rabbeinu gives the תוכחה, rebuke, to the nation, if they will not observe the commandments, he adds the following reprimand.

He tells the nation that they were ingrates to all of the miracles and kindness that Hashem had shown them. He says, ולא היה לכם לב לדעת ועיניים לראות, “And you did not have an understanding heart, and eyes to see.”

It sounds like Moshe is saying that he can’t believe how closed they were from seeing the truth. It must be that something was causing their hearts to be numb, and not feel. They had blinders on their eyes that prevented them from seeing Hashem’s abundant love and protection.

It is somewhat chilling to see how these words are even more true today.

How could so many Jews be so ignorant and blinded from being unable to see the special times that we are living? The return to our homeland and the revival of our people is all because of Hashem. It is a huge gift to have holy places such as the Kotel and Me’arat Hamachpeila in our hands.

Isn’t it strange that suddenly thanks to the Corona Pandemic, Jews cannot come to Israel when they want to. It certainly looks like Hashem is telling us something. Perhaps if we open our eyes and heart, we will gain some understanding.


וידוי מעשרות

