
This Shabbat we read Parshat מסעי. It recounts the forty-two locations that the Jewish people traveled during their forty years in the desert.

Moshe Rabbeinu seems to be giving an accounting of what has previously transpired, and perhaps the lessons learned from all of these travels.

Rabbi Twerski compared this to a businessman on a business trip who is working diligently for an extended period of time. Only at the end of his trip when he gets back to his hotel, does he have time to see how well he was rewarded for his efforts.

There is also the story of a Chassidic rebbe who was deep in thought during the final שמונה עשרה of the last day of Succot. He explained that he was doing a self check to see how well he applied himself in his prayers during the holiday season.

The message here is clear that we are urged to do regular self checks at how we are doing in our Torah observance. This helps us remain focused and not allow ourselves to get off track. We understand our role as Jews and know what is important and what is not.


Inherit the Land


אסמכתא-טבילת כלים