Evil Plays a Role
The numerical value of ארור המן, cursed is Haman, and ברוך מרדכי, blessed is Mordechai, are both 502. This is coming to teach that good and evil May both be serving a purpose.
Ideally, we would always like to see good prevail. Mordechai, being the leader of his generation, and a great Tzaddik, should have been able to use his goodness to prevail among the people, the importance of doing what was right in the eyes of G-d.
Instead, the Gemara tells us that the placement of the ring of Achashveirosh on Haman’s finger, did more to get the people to repent, than all forty-eight male prophets, and seven female prophetesses.
There are times when the difficulties we go through in life, become the greatest motivators to get us to change.
Too often people think they have all the answers and refuse to seek the advice of those older and wiser. It is only after making mistakes, do they realize what they should have done.
Good is meant to prevail in this world, but this happens when we allow it to prevail. Evil also has its role to play. It, too, is capable of motivating. However, the lessons learned from Evil, are far more painful, than that which is learned from Good. This is one of the important lessons of Purim.