Seth Line-Cain Line
Shavua Tov. Thanks to a discussion with my wife, and the help of Rav Shimshon Rafael Hirsh, an often misunderstood point in the Torah, was clarified.
The Torah gives us the chronology of two different lines. There is the קין, or Cain line, and there is the שת, or Seth line.
Both lines have a חנוך and a למך. The Seth line’s למך, was the father of נח, and was ninth generation from Adam. The Cain line’s למך, was seventh generation from Adam, and as Hashem had predicted, he ultimately killed Cain.
It is also interesting to note that Noach’s wife, Naama, is mentioned in the Parsha, and she was the daughter of the למך from the Cain line.
If one looks at the text, this will be shown to be true.
If one opens the book of דברי הימים, Cheonicles, it only gives us the Seth line, as does the appendix of the Artscroll Chumash. This is because the Cain line perished in the flood, while the Seth line continued, thanks to Noach.
I hope this clarifies matters.