Specialness of Yakov

This week’s Parsha, ויחי, is called a פרשה סתומה, a closed Parsha. One reason for this name is that there is no separation in the Torah scroll at the end of last week’s Parsha and this week’s. Usually there is at least a space of one letter. The second reason is related to the first. The Parsha teaches that when Yakov Avinu died, נסתמו עיניהם ולבם של ישראל, that the hearts and eyes of Israel were closed. The Netivot Shalom explains the huge loss of Yakov’s passing had on the Jewish people. As long as he was alive, the people were elevated and were able to “see” their place and purpose. When he died, they were in a state of loss and confusion. The main attribute of Yakov that made him so special was his קדושה. The Netivot Shalom again points out that the name יעקב has the word, עקב, or heel in it. The letters of עקב unscrambled, have the phrase, קדש עצמך במותר, sanctify yourself with which is permitted. The magic and inspiration that Yakov provided, was in the way he was able to turn the mundane into holiness. He could go about his daily affairs and turn them into acts that showed his closeness and service to Hashem. Few were able to do this. When one is living with someone like Yakov, who lived this way, his loss closed the eyes and hearts of עם ישראל. The Rabbis realize it is difficult to reach the level of Yakov Avinu, but we are meant to try.


Settling the Score


Kuzari on Yakov’s Family