Little Known Miracle

The ירושלמי in מסכת ברכות elaborates on Moshe’s reluctance to speak to פרעה. He pleads with Hashem that he is not a very good speaker. Hashem reminds Moshe that it is He that gives man the ability to hear, speak, or see. Therefore, he need not worry about anything. The Yerushalmi claims that when Moshe escaped from Egypt after killing the Egyptian, the entire population was stricken with either with muteness, deafness, and blindness. When Moshe was running away, some were asked what they could tell about Moshe’s whereabouts. The mutes couldn’t speak and say where he was. The deaf didn’t hear anything, and the blind didn’t see anything. This is what Hashem was reminding Moshe. Don’t you remember how I was able to save you then by taking away their senses. I’ll help you again when you go speak to Pharoah!


A Miraculous Day


Practical Kabbalah