Benefit of Suffering
Parshat אמור speaks about the קרבן תודה, Thanksgiving Offering. The Torah tells us that this sacrifice should be offered with the correct, positive, intent.
One offers a קרבן תודה for the similar situations that we say the גומל blessing in Shule. The abbreviation, חיים, tells us when גומל or the תודה is offered.
The ח stands for חבוש, having been released from prison. The first י is יסורים, or suffering, and refers to recovering from a serious illness. The second י is ים, where we safely cross the sea. And the מ is מדבר, or desert, that refers to overcoming a dangerous situation such as being attacked by robbers.
The overall message of גומל and קרבן תודה, is that suffering is difficult to overcome. But we must remember that such suffering shapes us when we overcome such suffering.
Survivors of suffering learn to be more tolerant and sensitive to other people’s pain. They pray with more sincerity, and learn to be appreciative for the gift of life. Every day is special and nothing is taken for granted.
Going through difficulties is not easy. But isn’t it interesting that when we put these difficulties behind us, we say thank you to Hashem. We give thanks not only for our new beginning, but also for the benefits that come with overcoming our specific ordeal.