Something to Die For

Parshat אמור has in it the Mitzva of קידוש ה׳, sanctifying the name of G-d. The Rabbis actually voted in connection with the idea of יהרג ואל יעבור, which laws were the ones that a Jew was expected to give his life, rather than violate the commandment.

These, of course, are the three cardinal sins of murder, idol worship and immorality. If a Jew is given the choice of violating these laws, or being killed, he should choose to be killed, rather than violate the Torah.

Rabbi Twerski sees in this commandment, a very important lesson. In order to make life worth living, there must be something that a person believes in so much, that he is willing to die for this belief. If he does not have anything worth dying for, his life has no value.

This explains why מסירות נפש, extending our soul, or giving our all for the sake of Hashem and the Torah, is so important. A passive approach to life and religion, makes life very hum drum and boring. He is alive, but he is not really living. We are meant to keep a fire of excitement and enthusiasm in our lives.

We need to embrace and cherish every moment of life. We are to use these moments in the most positive way possible. The willingness to give our lives for such beliefs, is an indication that we treasure life and our love for Hashem and our people, is very strong.


Succot Messages


Benefit of Suffering