והיא שעמדה

One of the highlights of the Seder is when we raise our glass and sing the song, והיא שעמדה.

We express our gratitude to Hashem that with His help, we managed to overcome, in every generation, those who wished to destroy us.

This is not a matter to be taken lightly. This is an important realization that we must acknowledge as Jews. We are a nation that dwells apart. We are not meant to be like every other nation. This is the destiny that we accepted at Mount Sinai, that we carried a moral responsibility for the rest of the world.

It was the Jewish people who were to stand up and show what was decent and proper while others would behave in a manner that was far from decent.

For this reason, this aroused the envy and jealousy of the nations, that turned into a desire to destroy us. The prophets have prophesied that a time will come when this hatred will turn to admiration. Things are clearly changing since Israel became a state. It is fulfilling its ultimate goal and there are those that openly admire us as we get closer to the Final Redemption.

However, we are not there yet. We must not ignore that there still exists enemies wishing to destroy us. And just like in the past, it is Hashem, and Hashem only, who saves us from their treachery.


Be Polite and Courteous


Pesach, Spring, and שיר השירים