Pesach, Spring, and שיר השירים

Moadim Lesimcha and Shavua Tov-

We read today שיר השירים, Song of Songs, which is usually read on שבת חול המועד, but since there is no שבת חול המועד, it was read today.

The combination of תפילת טל, the prayer for dew, and the beginning of counting ספירת העומר, is a clear indication that winter is over, and spring has begun.

There is new hope and a sense of freshness and a new beginning. שיר השירים is more than a love story. It signals the longing for the redemption, as expressed by the true love between two lovers.

This love is mocked by those around them, and they are even forced to separate. But, in the end, it is clear for all to see when they are reunited, that their love was true and genuine.

This book is read on Pesach also known as חג האביב, the Holiday of Spring. Just as we were redeemed from Egypt in spring, the final redemption will be in spring.

At that time, it will be clear to the world that the love between G-d and Israel is the one and only true love, when Hashem will be King of the Universe.


והיא שעמדה


Four Sons