Stages of Decline in Faith
The תוכחה, rebuke, in פרשת בחוקותי, speaks of how the decline in faith comes in stages. It begins gradually, and gets progressively worse.
The קול התורה of Rabbi Elie Munk, speaks of seven stages.
The decline begins first with an abandonment of the study of Torah. This is followed by a cessation in the observance of Mitzvot. The next stage is rejecting others who do observe Mitzvot. This is followed by hating rabbinic leaders. Stage five involves preventing others from observing Mitzvot. This is followed by a denial of the relevance of the commandments. And the final stage involves denying the principle of Hashem’s Divinity.
I am not sure when this list was compiled, but it sounds painfully familiar as we hear of many who foolishly leave Torah observance.
Shavuot is meant to be a renewal and reinforcement of Torah principles and that which we hold dear.